Cheerilee is sweet and kind,She\u0027s the best teacher we could hope for
The perfect stallion you and I must find,One to really make her heart soar
This one\u0027s too young,This one\u0027s too old
He clearly has a terrible cold
This guy\u0027s too silly,He\u0027s way too uptight
Uptight pony: I say!
We\u0027ll nothing\u0027s wrong with this one,He seems alright
Scootaloo: His girlfriend sure thinks so.
How \u0027bout this one? He\u0027s shy
He shy
Too short,Too tall,Too clean,Too smelly
He\u0027s strangely obsessed with tubs of jelly
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle: [sigh]
I don\u0027t think that we\u0027re mistaken,It seems all the good ones are taken
I really feel that at this rate,We\u0027ll never find the perfect date
Don\u0027t wanna quit and give up hope
Scootaloo: Doing anything special for Hearts and Hooves Day?
Oh please oh please oh ple